Ferreira, Marcia Serra2024-03-212024-03-212017-04-10https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14135/984The research is focused on the Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem), in a period ranging from its creation – in 1998 – to the present day, putting light over the reformulation of the exam in 2009. This exam is investigated in a double inscription – as reform and as change – which is considered to be both a producer of curriculum policies and processes of social regulation. This project is based on a discursive approach to Curriculum History, proposed by Marcia Serra Ferreira in the Curriculum History Study Group, in dialogue with Michel Foucault and some of his interlocutors in the field of Curriculum (Thomas Popkewitz, Rosa Maria Bueno Fischer, Alfredo Veiga-Neto), and seeks to understand how the creation of this exam resulted in the formulation of a specific discursive practice. It is especially important to make visible the statements that not only appeared in the composition of this discursive practice, but also regulated its enunciative conditions. Based on the analysis of a vast set of sources, which included documents related to Enem –produced at different historical moments – and to the high shool reform in the late 1990s, we showed the discursive regularities to which the examination was submitted. We highlighted the role that some innovations brought with the high school reform and Enem have exercised in dialogue with the school disciplines that traditionally organized high school. In dialogue with Thomas Popkewitz, we seek to see how the Enem, through alchemic practices, have produced a particular form of conceiving knowledge. In an onto-epistemological perspective, it is argued that the notions of competences and abilities, contextualization, problem solving and interdisciplinarity, as well as the principles of psychometry and Item Response Theory, have, in the dialogue with the traditions related to the disciplines School, configured what we conceive as knowledge. This in turn has informed us not only what we should know as students and teachers in high school, but what types of subjects we should be as students and teachers.Documento textualporAcesso abertoAnálise de DiscursoHistória da EducaçãoCurrículo Mínimo NacionalPolíticas Públicas em EducaçãoExame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM)Regularidades discursivas sobre mudança curricular e a produção de subjetividades no Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem)Tese120744