Rocha Neto, João Mendes da2024-02-282024-02-282018-05-28 research offers an analysis of social capital acquisition specifically within the University for All Program (ProUni), taking into account the perspectives of the programs grantees; above all, those of self-declared afro-descendant (blacks or browns) scholarship students in a private institution in Brasília (DF). Through semi-structured interviews, underpinned by Pierre Bordieu s (1998) social capital concept, this research aims to define which social impacts and prospects of change were propelled by the participation in ProUni among scholarship holders, all under the point of view of the grantees themselves. Furthermore, this research focuses on two groups of students: entrants and alumni. The intent was to establish a link between expectations and effective social capital gains. The differences brought up in the comparison of the entrants and the alumni groups reveal very specific changes in the interviewees world view, if compared to the initial and the final phases of the course.Documento textualporAcesso abertoEducação InclusivaPrograma de Ensino SuperiorProgramas de Educação SuperiorAquisição de capital social dos bolsistas autodeclarados negros no contexto do Programa Universidade Para TodosDissertação120806