2024-07-292024-07-292021978-65-5801-010-4https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14135/1419The objective of this document is to discuss the procedures carried out for the psychometric analysis of the Enem objective tests, seeking to clarify aspects theoretical and practical aspects of the process, as well as pointing out relevant literature and documents for further study. The initial analysis procedures will be described, covering aspects relating to pre-tests and the consolidation of databases; analysis through TCT; a brief explanation of IRT assumptions (such as dimensionality analysis); analysis using IRT, including the calculation of item parameters and proficiencies.Documento textual22 p.porAcesso abertoProficiênciaTeoria da Reposta ao ItemTeoria Clássica dos TestesExame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem): procedimentos de análiseManual / tutorial