Alvares, Lillian Maria Araújo de Rezende2024-02-222024-02-222015-09-29 use of information from the Principals’ perspective is the main objective of this study on primary education school management in the Federal District Public Schools. This research proposes to study effects of Ideb and its associated factors on the Federal District (FD) public schools management offering primary education programs. It was developed based on official information available together with those schools directors. As background information it was carried out studies the analytical models referenced for monitoring and evaluating the educational system and the schools. Afterward, it is analyzed basic socio-educational indicators, mainly, those related to Ideb, besides studying several educational stakeholders profiles. The research was carried out with principals selected crossing per capita income level within Federal District Administrative regions and Ideb results.The directors’ interviews were on a sample basis according to the their school Ideb and associated factors results and the Federal District Administrative Region average per capita income where schools are located. The analysis was carried out focusing on Ideb and its associated factors in each Administrative Region and their schools’ Director perception on their schools management and the nature of the relation with Ideb results. The interview intended to provide information about Directors opinion with respect to their need for information for decision making, mainly, about: source of information; information on school infrastructure; facilities conditions, as well other external and internal factors affecting students’ performance within their school management leadership. From the interviews it is shown that school directors considers Ideb as a tool for management, but only as a reference. It is necessary to learn what underlies the school management in order to raise questions about associated factors that afect the students school performance.Documento textualporAcesso abertoEducação BásicaGestão da EscolaInformação e EducaçãoEnsino Fundamental - 1ª a 4ªÍndice de Desenvolvimento da Educação BásicaO uso da informação educacional na perspectiva dos gestores escolares de estabelecimentos de anos iniciais do ensino fundamental da rede pública do Distrito FederalDissertação120673