Faulstich, Enilde2024-03-122024-03-122007-03https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14135/981Lexical acquisition is a cognitive process that activates linguistic mechanisms in a systematic manner and allows the speaker to incorporate new lexical items to his/her lexical repertoire as well as reflect upon the language’s morphological and semantic construction mechanisms. This study proposes a theoretical review of the first language lexical acquisition process and points out lexical acquisition strategies through a learner’s dictionary, geared towards the Brazilian primary school age group. These strategies cover semantic, morphological, pragmatic and discursive uses in the lexical item, thus emphasizing the importance of creative and ludic aspects in education. In light of this, the learner’s dictionary is seen as an instrument in lexical acquisition since it provides lexical and grammatical data based upon a specific lexicographic project. Thus, the need for a metalexicography in the Brazilian school dictionary is discussed. Further, educational lexicographic works are analysed, serving as a basis to reflect upon the dictionary’s pedagogical value in the lexical learning process during the primary school phase.Documento textualporAcesso abertoEducação BásicaAnálise do ProcessoEnsino FundamentalAquisição da LinguagemO processo de aquisição lexical na infância e a metalexicografia do dicionário escolarTese120302