Menezes, Marcus Bessa de2024-03-012024-03-012020-11-30 dissertation is developed within the scope of the Professional Master in Management and Evaluation of Education (PPGP) of the Center for Public Policies and Evaluation of Education at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Caed / UFJF). The aim of the dissertation covers the analysis and the following proposal of specialized assistance in the writing of the National High School Exam Enem to participants with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The guiding question of the research case was: How can INEP's Basic Education Assessment Directorate improve the specialized care for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Enem newsroom? The study defined objectives sought to: describe how the specialized care offered by Inep to students with disabilities occurs, especially with Autism Spectrum Disorder; to analyze the accommodations offered to the demands for specialized attendance in writing for students with ASD in Canada, United States and United Kingdom, and to analyze the linguistic characteristics of this public based on the analysis of texts of participants with ASD in Enem 2017, in order to reflect on the difficulties and spaces for improvement in service and to propose an Educational Action Plan that is configured as a support tool for Inep, especially Daeb, to serve, with quality, students with autism with regard to related procedures to the Enem newsroom. To ascertain the objectives, we used the qualitative methodology that encompassed bibliographic research, carried out through the comparative analysis on the specialized educational assistance destined to people with autism in the United States, Canada and England, and through the documentary analysis of texts from 21 autistic Enem participants in 2017, in the light of the writing characteristics of that audience. The theoretical support instruments referring to specialized care and writing characteristics of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder was guided by the studies by Orrú (2012); Santos and Chiote (2016); Srivastana (2016); BaronCohen, Leslie and Frith (1985); Junqueira, Martins and Lacerda (2017); Pennington and Delano (2012); Rodrigues and Albano (2015); Roelfs (2019); Barbosa and Andrade (2018); Santos (2016), among others. Based on the objectives outlined for improving service to students with autism at Enem, it was possible to draw up an Educational Action Plan (PAE) with suggestions for Inep's management teams to improve the training plans for readers and transcribers of the exam for students with autism, the improvement of the logistical support of the exam, with the inclusion of the professional Oral Language Modifier and differentiated ambience resources, the application of a written test on a computer and the inclusion of the linguistic resources, such as pronominal inversion, phonological writing, echolalia and textual text clipping, typical characteristics of students with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), empirically verified in the sample and essays, in the differential correction blueprint for ASD.Documento textualporAcesso abertoAluno com deficiênciaPessoa com DeficiênciaAtendimento EspecializadoExame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM)Aprimoramento do atendimento especializado para pessoas com Transtorno do Espectro Autista na redação do EnemDissertação120893