Mastrella-de-Andrade, Mariana Rosa2024-03-012024-03-012020-03-31 research addresses the meanings assigned to English language learning by a group of students from Brazilian Youth and Adult Education - EJA (Educação de Jovens e Adultos). It also aims at delineating the meanings that were built and rebuilt by myself as a teacher-researcher of English language teaching during this study process. Another purpose of this research is to briefly analyze documents that serve as basis for EJA while comparing them to the meanings attributed by students and by me, as a teacher-researcher. It is a qualitative, interpretativist research (MOITA LOPES, 1994) and the empirical data produced is organized, interpreted and addressed by me, who occupies the role of teacherresearcher, thus being integrated in both the research process and the classroom environment. The act of giving new meanings to my teaching started as an exercise of decolonial thinking and being inside the classroom (MIGNOLO, 2014) and culminated in the importance of constructing local knowledge (CANAGARAJAH, 1999; MIGNOLO, 2014; KUMARAVADIVELU, 2001) and in the need for a dialogic relation (FREIRE, 1987) in teaching. Considering EJA’s context, I proposed the possibility of English language teaching through the perspective of translanguaging (GARCÍA; WEI, 2014) and of literacy development (BORTONI, 2012; SCHLATTER, 2009; SOARES, 2004). The discussion of learning English meanings attributed by the students demonstrated the interest in work qualifications as the main goal for student-workers and showed identity issues built around the English language related to questions of power and of social inclusion and exclusion (RAJAGOPALAN, 2003; CANAGARAJAH, 1999). The participants showed willingness to engage in cultural and social practices common to the English language, as well as a desire of relating to the social identities assigned to English speakers (MASTRELLA-DE-ANDRADE, 2007). As for the legislation, I drew the points of convergence and divergence noticed by me between the EJA legislations of national and state levels in addition to the theoretical perspectives adopted in the research.Documento textualporAcesso abertoAprendizagem de LínguasEducação de Jovens e AdultosProcesso de Ensino-AprendizagemExame Nacional de Certificação de Competências de Jovens e AdultosEncontros com a EJA: construindo sentidos de aprender e ensinar inglêsDissertação120903