Fonseca, Marília2024-01-242024-01-242024-01-242006-10-24 dissertation deals with Brazilian elementary schools external evaluation from the beginning of the 1980´s until the creation of the Basic Education Evaluation System - Sistema de Avaliação da Educação Básica - Saeb, at the end of this decade. The external evaluation has been offering information to the education systems to provide these systems with a better knowledge about reality, and use this information as input to get over the problems identified by each evaluation. In order to better understand the complexity that surround the external evaluation of schools and educational systems, it was examined the literature on the subject, specially the one focused on the external empirical evidence, where several authors investigate the role played by external evaluation in the draft and monitoring of educational public policies in different countries and in more than one historical period. To the Brazilian case, it is obtainable singular aspects of the first measurements of external evaluation in education until the implementation of the Saeb. The literature on the Brazilian case consists of Vianna, Ristoff, Dias Sobrinho, Ravela, Bonamino, Pilatti e Pestana. This research presents the general structure and methodology of the Saeb as an example of a large scale evaluation, together with an analysis of the main results offered by national reports of several evaluations done in the period studied. However, the main focus of this work is to examine in which way the Federal District Education Secretary - Secretaria de Educação do Distrito Federal uses the information produced by Saeb as input in the management of the educational system of the public schools. This is a qualitative research where it was implemented documental analysis and semi-structured interviews. The results indicate that, even though the managers do not know much about Saeb¿s result, they reinforce the importance of the evaluation to overcome the fragilities of the public educational system. It seems that the non-existence of a systematic planning in the Federal District Education Secretary is the main reason for the non-utilization of Saeb¿s results as input. Furthermore, the research indicates that the managers interviewed seem to do not understand enough the information produced by Saeb. At the end it is present some suggestions to improve the Saeb and also some indication for future researches.Documento textualporAcesso abertoAvaliação da EducaçãoSistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação BásicaEnsino FundamentalEducação BásicaAvaliação externa: a utilização dos resultados do SAEB 2003 na gestão do sistema público de ensino fundamental no Distrito FederalDissertação120296