Silva, Maria Abádia da2024-02-292024-02-292019-08-12 dissertation is linked to the Graduate Program in Education of the School of Education of the University of Brasília (PPGE/FE/UnB), in the research line Public Policies and Management of Education (POGE) and elects as research object the goal 7 of the National Education Plan (PNE) 2014-2024, which provides, as quality indicators of national education the projection of results of the Basic Education Development Index (Ideb) and propositions of the International Program for Student Assessment (Pisa). The main objective was to reveal how the movement of interests and forces of the OECD Directorate of Education and Skills, subsumed in the Pisa program, interfered in the process of preparing the PNE 2014-2024 and, as specific objectives: to analyze, in the historical trajectory of the OECD, the position and interests incorporated into the programs, projects and document production affecting its educational policy; to understand the OECD concept of educational quality; and to analyze the process of consensus building and dissent regarding the goal 7 and the strategy 7.11 of PNE 2014-2024. The research questions were: how and why an international indicator was transformed and accepted as the main element of public policy for measuring the quality of Brazilian public basic education? How have government, business, and civil society actors taken their stance on the topic? Were there any clashes and contradictions in defining this quality criterion? What quality education concept does the OECD offer its key partner Brazil? Methodologically, it was decided to triangulate a) OECD documentary references that evidenced its ideological position in the educational policy that it disseminates through publications, reports, speeches and other document sources; b) documents of the National Congress of Brazil and, in particular, the Board of Education Committee on the procedures of the Project of Law (PL) number 8035/2010: shorthand notes, minutes and various digital documents; c) documents of social institutions and scientific entities that composed the procedures of the PL that gave origin to the PNE 2014-2024. In this dynamics, even recognizing that the documents are part of the real and not the real itself, hegemony and ideology were chosen as philosophical categories and the quality and regulation of education as empirical categories emerged during the reading, systematization and elaboration of the analysis. The study concludes that there is a hegemonic political aspect of neotechnicist thinking and corporate objectives in the struggles to define the goals and strategies of the current PNE, which, based on OECD discourses, positions, jargons, indicators and ideologies, consolidated its purpose of measuring the quality of education in regulatory and meritocratic terms, in line with the perspective of human capital formation for the market defended by the entrepreneurial reformers of education. This political strand ideologically conceals its class ethos, defending the principle of equity, opportunity for all, personal effort and individualization as key requirements to increase school performance and social justice in the teaching-learning process. In order to guarantee educational quality, to be expressed in numbers, they rely on statistics and large-scale assessments, not as subsidiary elements to research of a quality with much more complex socio-economic variables, but as definitive expressions of good education and best practices. The alignment of hegemonic ideological positions (accountability, meritocracy, reward and punishment) creates direct impacts on the management of schools, on the lives of education workers and the on learning process of students.Documento textualporAcesso abertoAvaliação da EducaçãoQualidade da EducaçãoÍndice de Desenvolvimento da Educação BásicaA política da OCDE para a educação básica: das mesas de reuniões internacionais à carteira escolarDissertação120852