Castro, Maria Cristina Drumond e2024-03-012024-03-012020-08-03 dissertation was developed in the scope of the Professional Master’s degree in Management and Evaluation of Public Education (PPGP) of the Center for Public Policy and Evaluation of Education of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (CAEd/UFJF). The management case studied aimed to analyse the National Exam for the Certification of Competences of Youths and Adults (Encceja), performed by Inep since 2002, as an instrument of public policy in subsidizing the State Education Secretariats in public service in the certification of basic competences and skills of young people and adults through exams. The question that guided this research was: what are the challenges and potentialities of the current configuration of Encceja as a certification strategy for the conclusion of basic education in the national territory? The main objective was to analyze the challenges and potentialities of the current format of Encceja as a certification exam for the conclusion the basic education. The specific goals defined for this study were: to describe the Encceja, its historical context and significant changes; to analyze aspects of the current system of its implementation, the certification process and the profile of the participants, identifying challenges and potentialities of the instrument; and to propose actions to support Inep in order to expand the Encceja possibilities. To achieve these goals, the qualitative methodology that involved bibliographic and documentary research was adopted. Bibliographic research was important for the construction of historical context and the identification of the main changes that occurred over the years, while documentary research guided the analysis of the current configuration of Encceja. In the context public policy for Youth and Adult Education, theoretical reflections were based on studies by authors such as Almeida (2016), Arroyo (2007), Di Pierro and Haddad (2000; 2015), Ferreira and Rodrigues (2016), Friedrich et al. (2010), Oliveira (2007), Rummert (2007), among others. Based on the challenges and potentialities identified for Encceja, it was possible to draw up an Educational Action Plan with propositional actions for the management of Inep with a view to greater integration and alignment between the sectors of the institute involved in carrying out the exam, the continuous training of collaborators, monitoring the certification process and strengthening the dissemination of information about the exam. It is hoped that these actions will also provide reflections on the exam and its paths, contributing to the improvement of this instrument.Documento textualporAcesso abertoCertificação de CompetênciasAvaliação da Educação BásicaExame Nacional de Certificação de Competências de Jovens e AdultosO Exame Nacional para Certificação de Competências de Jovens e Adultos como estratégia de certificação de conclusão dos ensinos fundamental e médio: desafios e potencialidadesDissertação120895